Mb Weekly Newsletter, June 4, 2018

News and Updates


  • Demonstrate with Mobilize at the Chico City Council meeting Tuesday, June 5–our city needs us!
  • Not that anyone would forget to vote, but please don’t forget to vote


Mobilize Chico at the City Council Meeting, June 5

Mobilize Chico, along with other groups, is holding a peaceful demonstration at 5:30 this Tuesday, June 5, outside the city council chambers, to oppose several agenda items the council will be discussing. Renewal of the sit/lie ordinance and the possible implementation of several others do nothing to help solve the problem of the homeless and unhoused in our community. It is not a crime to be homeless. It is not a crime to be poor. But make no mistake about it: these proposed ordinances are immoral and unethical because they target the homeless and the poor and will make acts of survival a crime. What this city council should have at the top of every agenda are discussions and proposals of actual, long-term solutions to our crises. Declaring a shelter emergency, which we hope the council does at its June 5 meeting, would be a good start. We also hope the council puts at the top of every agenda ways to generate revenue for the city, and works with the county government on generating revenue to establish more accessible and affordable mental health and addiction treatment programs.

Please bring a sign that reads “Facts not Fear.”

If you want to offer comment during what will be a very long meeting, please be aware that the mayor will probably limit comments to 1 minute since the meeting will be packed.
